Grow With Us to Foster the Future of Mental Health
Help us provide the community programs and services posted on this website. We hope that you'll go one step further and take this opportunity to actively participate in the Mental Health Association of Southwest Florida by Becoming a Member.
Community Advocacy
Mental health is a fundamental social justice issue. There is no health without mental health.
Concern for the public’s health demands that disparities in treatment and the disproportionality of the burden of illness be eradicated. We require change that is commensurate to the enormous magnitude of behavioral health problems in multiple aspects of our culture, our communities, our neighborhoods and our families. MHASWFL represents a growing movement of individuals who promote mental wellness for the health and well-being of the community. This movement must engage and involve the general public as well as persons with mental and substance use conditions in all its aspects.
We emphasize recovery from mental and substance use conditions for all. MHASWFL confirms its commitment to:
Raise its voice for people affected by mental and substance use conditions that have not had a voice.
Diversity and cultural competence in programs, communication, treatment, and relationships.
The translation of science into practice.
Ensuring that the public’s trust is confirmed through efficient conscientious leadership and stewardship.
Our Cause
Your donations make it possible for us to offer the programs that we do. With your donation, you can help make a difference.